the 12 days of dollhouse -- 12 hot holiday deals!

Did you get your Tuesday email? Are you excited for The 12 Days of Dollhouse -- 12 Hot Holiday Deals?!?!? Yes, we thought you were. So are we! We've been working on these deals for the past month and a half, and can't wait to roll them out to you guys. NEXT WEEK. Starting Cyber Monday, November 30. Get ready to shop your cute skinny-jean-wearing butts off. If you'll pardon the expression...
Here's what to do. Remember to open your emails every single day. OR go to to check what the deal-of-the-day is. Each Deal Starts: High Noon! Each Deal Ends:1 minute before High Noon, the next day. So each deal is kind of a 2-day thing. But really just 24 hours long. So hurry and shop each day before we sell out of your sizes.
And remember to spread the shopping love to your friends! 'Tis the season, right?
Labels: 12 days of dollhouse, dollhouse, holiday, mailing list, online shopping
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