crumbs intervention required?
Dear Reader,
Where do you live? Do you happen to live in a town with a cute lil' cupcake bakery? Or do you live in NYC where there is a cupcake bakery on every corner? And on every other corner, a Crumbs cupcake shop.
In fact, we at Dollhouse NYC are the proud new neighbors of a brand new Crumbs. It's just half-a-block away and less than a month old. It is way too close to burn any calories getting there and back, which we at Dollhouse believe to be most dangerous.
We celebrate a lot of birthdays here at the showroom with Crumbs. Generally, how it works is the birthday girl gets a biggie cupcake (where she always says, "THAT big one is for me? No I just couldn't..." and then proceeds to eat it all, plus another mini) while the rest of us get a mini. Do you know the 12-pack?* It's the best.
So there I was this afternoon getting a café au lait (with skim milk) and no cupcake. I know, no cupcake! I couldn't believe it either. But 'tis the season to make healthy resolutions right? Oops, I said 'tis the season again. Sorry, I must resolve to stop that. But anyway, there I was this afternoon getting a café au lait when I spotted them. Crumbs bandanas. For sale? Twelve bucks. And then I looked over at the girl behind the counter, and sure enough, she was sporting one too. I really wanted to buy one, and wear it back to Dollhouse, for people to gradually realize that I was wearing Crumbs attire. They would whisper to each other, "Did you see Elaine today? Did you see what she was wearing? I think she has A Cupcake Problem. I think we should get her some help, don't you? Maybe we should schedule a cupcake intervention...."
I will have to snap a picture of the new Crumbs bandanas for you tomorrow. I guess they are too new to post on their site. Stay tuned. Do you dare me to wear one? I totally will and record the reactions. Now that would be funny.
*If you know the 12-pack, what is your favorite? Mine is the mini-m-n-m one. Yum. Our graphic designer was always the first one to dive for that one. It's certainly a tasty one. Our tops designer loves the red velvet. Everyone else (jeans designers included) claim to not have favorites, but I know they do. They're just playing it cool.
Update, 1.7.2010
Here it is, the Crumbs Bandana. And as far as I know, the only picture on the Internet so far...

Labels: cupcakes, things to do in nyc, treats and eats
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