Dollhouse Blog

6.22.2011 gets an award for customer service!

This morning we learned that the Dollhouse Website was selected for a STELLAService Seal of Customer Excellence!!! How awesome! Apparently secret shoppers have been shopping the site for the past few months, buying all sorts of stuff, and really liked the treatment they got. And apparently we are in good company, because shopping sites like Zappos, Gilt, Net-a-Porter got Seals of Customer Excellence too. All this good news just in time for our 3-year anniversary of next month! And just in time for our brand new Summer Look today! YAY!! We heart you.

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At August 10, 2011 at 10:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dollhouse Jeans,

Congratulations for having such a beautiful and informative fashion bloge! Dollhouse Jeans is truly inspiring. As a stay at home mom, my favorite clothing item is jeans, and Dollhouse has some beautiful pieces which I’d love to own.

My name is Kristen Swope and I am a mom to a five year old girl named Isabel. I live in Fremont, California with my family (daughter and husband John) and I admit to having plenty of time to practice my makeup and grooming since I do home based freelance writing. One of my particular passions in grooming is doing my nails. I may spend a lot of time tapping away at my laptop keys, but I make sure to keep my nails as beautiful as I can get them.
In this regard, I ended up writing an article called Growing Beautiful Nails the Right Way which I would love to share with you and your readers. Would you be open to considering it as a guest blog post in Dollhouse Jeans?

Please let me know so that I can send over a copy for your approval ASAP!

Thank you very much for your time, and more blessings to you and your superb site!



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